Thunder Over Louisville Confession

Over the past week, I have been asked one question, over and over and over again.

“Did you like Thunder?”

For those who don’t live in our beautiful city, Thunder Over Louisville is a massive fireworks display that takes place annually. It is allegedly the largest firworks display in the nation. Billions of people wedge themselves downtown and along the riverbank to view this amazing show. It is not only a point of pride for the city, but it almost borders on religious ritual for most who live here. Last Saturday was that day.

There is only one problem: I don’t care about it.

Please don’t misunderstand. I love that it’s a huge event and gets great coverage (in fact, one of the local tv stations not only broadcast it, they also ran pre-firework and post-firework shows, as well as re-playing the entire event for those who attended, but would love to catch it again…and again.).

I love that my friends love it. I love that it brings visitors to the area.

I just don’t love the fireworks. And I’m sorry.

The worst part? The looks of shock, disbelief and disappointment when people find out I didn’t see the display. It is as if a scarlett letter was placed on my shirt.

So…I apologize for missing the big event….but, I did enjoy bowling on my new Wii.

Doesn’t that count for something?