Plant this!

LifePointe Church has been in existense for 16 months. That’s 69 weeks (68 if you count the week of the Great White Death of ’08). We’ve had Sundays that were successfull beyond all imagination, and some not so much. We’ve had dozens come to Christ, and many baptized. We’ve had parties and picnics that show the best of the people we have involved in our congregation. And, we’ve reached into a community looking for something “different.”

But after all of that, we still, interestingly enough, need to think of LifePointe as a church plant. A church still in it’s infancy.

And that’s a very cool thing!

We get to make mistakes. And then correct them.

We get to tweak here and there, and change things up to keep it fresh.

We get to try new and exciting ways to reach people that haven’t thought about church in years, or have never even stepped through the doors of one.

We get to wake up every day, and treat it like a clean slate. And that is very cool.

Now, for the $64,000 question: Why doesn’t every church start each day like a plant? Why does the status quo have to be the order of the day? Why can’t changes be made on the fly in order to maximize their reach into the community?

Why can’t church be a fresh, new thing every day?

Boy…if every church maintained that level of liquidity, that level of excitement…evryone would be going to church.

Did I mention how lucky I am to be at LifePointe?