jack bauer I ain’t…

We are minutes away from the end of an era.

After tonight, Jack Bauer will no longer be saving America by going rogue, disarming the bomb, killing the terrorists, stopping the deadly virus, and revealing the mole in CTU.

After 9 years (only 8 seasons, but even Jack Bauer couldn’t defeat the writer’s strike a few years back), we will have to rely on our own dangers to get the adrenaline pumping. You know, the heart-racing moments we all live through, such as waking up late for work, making our paychecks last until the 30th of the month, avoiding foods that will surely give us acid reflux, and stressing about the upcoming class reunion.

In other words, we have a lot of real stuff to deal with. But Jack Bauer gave us some escape, an hour at a time.

Does this have any connection to church stuff? Probably somewhere. I could pull out a verse or two that would make the secular-spritual connection work.

But right now, all I can say is that I’m gonna miss Jack. Mostly because now I’ve got to live in the real world.

Well, at least until the next Star Trek movie comes out!