mac vs. pc

the war finally came to my front.

Mac vs. PC.

We had been experiencing trouble with the projector in our new building. After months of analyzing, we realized it was the way the computer/media shout/projector were reacting to each other. Combine that with the occasional Media Shout crash, and a decision had to be made.

The pressure to go Mac had been great. I had always been on team PC, and shunned those who said Mac was the only way to go. All the other church media guys laughed at me, told me I was too old-school, that the only way to take our service to the next level was to go Mac…

…and we did.

Got the best Macbook Pro we could afford, the 13″/250, and paired it with ProPresenter 4. And guess what? No issues. Better graphics. Smoother transitions. Multiple uses of video without crashing.

They were right. It is better. For church.

I will say this. If I were looking for a computer for personal use, I would still look at the cheaper, and still powerful, PC options.

But for now, thank you Mac, for making life a little easier…

peaceful easy feeling…

It’s 8am Sunday morning, and I’m sitting at my computer at church as I write this. We’ve already been here longer than an hour, and I’m listening to the worship band rehearse, and the volunteer setup crew putting the finishing on the stage. It’s a huge feat, because we meet in a movie theater, so we literally “build” a church and tear it down every single Sunday.

And right now is always the most peaceful time of my week.

It’s those few moment between disorganization and chaos.

It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s worth it. It takes that feeling of accomplishment to a new level, and it gives me the opportunity to watch a bunch of guys give a valuable block of time to their church…and mostly without complaint.

It’s the best time of my week…