
I have always been self-reliant.

I would never ask for help…with anything. Homework assignments in college, projects at home or work…anything. I used to think this was an admirable trait. But recently, I found out that it was the trait that has been holding me back.

God put us on the planet with other humans for a reason: to interact and be part of a community. It’s that community that brings us closer to Christ, and brings us closer to each other. We are hear to support each other, and help our fellow man to achieve greatness; to become the people that our Creator meat for us to be.

If we can’t rely on each other, then we are but an island. And, as the old saying goes, no man is an island.

After 43 years on this planet, I finally get it. It’s easier to lean on a thousand shoulders than stand on your own.

why do christian movies stink?

O.K., the title to this post may not be fair. But, if you love the movie industry, you must agree that a vast majority (95%-99%) of Christian films stink.

Now, I’m not talking about the big budget Hollywood extravaganzas, such as The Ten Commandments or Passion of the Christ. I’m talking about the movies made in the past two decades produced specifically for the “church going” market. Duds like “Time Changers” and “Facing the Giants.”

Those are all well-intended flicks, but they’re awful because they are not relevant and in order to appeal to what they feel is their target market, they use dialogue that only Ned Flanders could appreciate!

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Mother’s Day, Speed Racer, and the such…

As we prepare for our annual Mother’s Day service at LifePointe Church, I am becoming very nostalgic. Not prohibition-do-the-lindy-buy-bonds nostalgic…just recalling-the-great-things-about-my-mom nostalgic.

I have to ask myself “would I do the things for her she did for me?”

The answer: It’s hard to say.

Would I give up the last slice of pie? Probably not…but in hindsight, I should have!

Would I work for the government for 35 years so that I could have a spoiled kid squander the paychecks I brought home? Probably not.

Would I go to stupid plays, baseball, football, soccer and basketball games, boring PTA conferences, and the likes, without complaining…once?  Absolutely not.

You know, this list could go on forever, but I just want it on the record that I’m not half the person my Mom is.

Oh, yeah…and I saw Speed Racer this weekend and it kicked butt!

Thanks, Mom, and I hope you have a great Mother’s Day!