Politics and Religion

You know the old saying…the two topics you can’t talk about in a crowd are religion and politics. Well, today, I want to put an end to that. And I’m proud to say that BLOGGER.COM, the company that hosts this blog, this piece of outstanding American journalism, has the courage to let me speak my religious and political mind. And, I feel that PC America can handle it.

Ready? Here we go!

First, I want to say, I love ***. I try to let *** in every area of my life. In fact, I don’t think I could get thru the day if I didn’t have *** to lean on. I like to start the day by reading the *****, and then I like to pray to ***. And I feel especially close to *** on sundays at ******. Wow, that felt good!

Now, secondly, I believe the candidate i’m going to vote for in the presidential election is ****. **** is the only one, I believe, that can continue the *** on ******. Also, he will keep the ******* ******** from crossing the border. He is strong, knows where he is going, and will not sell out to special interest groups. **** is definitely my man!

Wow! That was liberating! I’m glad that in this age of political correctness I was able to speak my religious and political mind. Thanks, America! And thanks Blogger.com for not censoring me! We’ve come a long way, baby!


  1. ****, that was just *******.

  2. ah ha! you said “he” when referring to the presidential candidate! not pc whig. HILLARY 2008! WHOO-HOO!

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