Happy 4th!

Happy July 4th!

I would just like for everyone, on this day, to think about how cool it is to live in this country. And, don’t forget to thank the men and women for our freedom…the soldiers and vets!

Capitalism Rules!

I love Capitalism!

There. I said it. I believe that anyone should be able to make as much money as they possibly can (as long as it’s not made in an ill-gotten fashion). I love money! Ithink it’s a cool thing to have…in fact, to quote Zig Zigler, “Money ain’t everything, but it’s right up there with oxygen!”

My only problem…I ain’t got none!

But that’s okay. We’re in America, and I believe anyone in this nation can overcome any obstacle. It’s the greatest nation in the world!

Why this topic? Well, I just saw a headline that said Bill Gates has just been knocked out of first place on the world’s richest person list. And guess what? I felt sorry for him. Yes, you heard right. He has my pity.

Bill’s (and I think I can call him Bill) estimated worth is only $59 billion dolloars. The new 1st place winner is at $67 billion. My initial reaction is: What can I do to help Bill get back in 1st?

Why the fervor for Bill’s title? The new guy is not American. I guess my strong national pride wants us to have the richest dude! Is that weird? We’re #1!

Maybe if I go out and buy the update for Windows might help put Bill back on top. But, that takes me back to my originial issue with money…I ain’t got none!