Aint Love Grand!

Just came back from a wedding, and I of course have an observation.

First of all, it took me back to our wedding day 12 years ago. I was amazed that after months of tedious planning, the day just whipped by, and I honestly don’t have much of a memory of it!

I mean, I remember being at the church. I remember the priest forgetting to have me kiss the bride (I still hear about that one!). I remember the “Chicken Dance”. Yes, the Chicken Dance, the one thing my lovely bride had asked us not to have, and there it was. But other than those things, not so much.

That’s why weddings are interesting times to observe the Bride and Groom.

There’s a lot of strained smiling going on. Alot of shaking hands, hugging and laughing at akward jokes told in mixed company. And, alot of the usual comments…”The cake is beautiful!” “The Groom cleans up nice!” And, “Hey, (fill in the name), now it’s your turn to get hitched!”

But through it all, I notice one thing. The bride and groom are always at their happiest when they get the rare moment to be alone…even for a second…and enjoy each other.

Aint love grand!