Apologies, then biz as usual…

I must apologize. It has been over a week since I last made an entry. While some may find that appealing, I find it appalling. I am sorry, and I am now back on schedule.

Alot has happened in the news since my last entry. The steroid related murder suicide of a wrestler and his family. The NCAA smackdown of a major football program (sorry Ross). The 10,000th loss of a MLB team (sorry Ross…again). The DOW hitting 14,000 for the frst time ever (yeah Capitalism!).

All I know is this. During a week that had so much happening, so many different things in the news…a week when I had questions that needed to be answered… I was reminded of something that we all forget on a daily basis: The opportunity to spread the word can be found in the most unlikely places. I won’t go into detail…I don’t want to embarass the person…but just remember this: When you least expect it, an opportunity will arise to let someone know why they are on this planet, and that they are loved.

To quote Ralph Waldo Emmerson:

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children…to leave the world a better place…to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

I know. A little serious for Whigham. Deal with it.

1 Comment

  1. “Smackdown” is a little over-stated, don’t you think? They took away the season that we wanted to forget (4 losses and a Holiday Bowl victory? I know, ANY kind of a bowl victory would be tough to relinquish for an Irish fan right now, but we see ’em a little bit differently in the Sooner Nation) and a couple of scholarships. It’s not a high-five by any means, but OU remains a power, bay-bee!

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